Rabbits resurrection

Dear friends of piano music, everything always turns out very differently than you think. So here's another story. It is about the two cute little rabbits that a little girl is taking care of. I have the pleasure of knowing her. She does it very well and with a lot of love, she reads to them good night stories, gets them fresh vegetables and puts them every day in a large open-air enclosure, where they can romp and jump to their hearts' content. I've already seen them doing it, it's pure joy. I have never before seen two funny little balls of fur with ears that are not particularly long jumping high through the air full of boisterous joy and then change direction in the middle of the jump. Of course, rabbits are able to make lightning quick changes in the air, you know that - but it's so incredibly cute, and I really envy them this amazing ability. I once read somewhere (I think it could have been Astrid Lindgren) that some people are like soaped rabbits - you just can't get hold of them. Oh yes, I know guys like that ..... But I digress.

So these rabbits lead contented lives, but they also have crises. Once they managed to pull plastic bags into their cage from outside their cage and eat them up. We were very worried about the little ones, but they survived it unscathed (please don't try it yourself, I'm afraid it could turn out differently ...). But it really didn't look good the other day. The two are siblings, two males, and, as is customary among brothers, they got into each other's hair and fell out. As a result, they did not want to spend the night together in their little dormitory, one stayed outside, and it was very cold in the stable - a winter night with minus eight degrees Celsius. The mother of the girl found the poor animal lifeless the next morning, she had to go to work quickly, but informed the grandparents: You have to thaw the rabbit! They really did their best to bring the little rascal back to life, but all attempts were initially unsuccessful until they found a heat lamp that had once hung over the changing table so that the baby would not freeze when changing diapers in winter. A few hours under this lamp and the miracle happened: the rabbit came to live again. After looking like dead for hours, it slowly began to behave like a healthy and normal rabbit again. Thank God!

Sometimes I get the impression that we must all have many, many Guardian Angels. we humans are just like these cute little bunnies, we are constantly endangering ourselves and others. Shouldn't a lot more happen in view of such rabbit-like simplicity? Thank you, dear Guardian Angels! Also for the rescue of the rabbit.
