
Dear friends of piano music,

Pooh spider! Today I have to tell you something pretty gross, it's actually a real horror story, and it has to do with animals in places where you wouldn't expect them. We have this window in our neighborhood, which is always designed by a very nice and friendly man who does yoga for children and marketing, always seasonal, colorful and funny. And he put a plastic spider in this beautiful artificial rose, which is a really nice idea if you're not terrified of spiders (like me ...). In autumn, the spiders like to walk in through the window while airing, maybe it's too cold for them outside. My son has been catching them lately and then taking them out again. However, he grabs the poor creatures by one leg and holds them up. I hope the spiders don't have a heart attack from fright. If they survive my son's love of animals, they will at least hobble a little outside, back in the wild in the front gardens in the city. Most of the spiders in Germany are harmless. But sometimes there are "illegal immigrants" in the supermarket, they manage to enter the country with deliveries of bananas and then take revenge in the supermarket for injustice they have suffered with a spontaneous bite attack. Well, that happens very seldom, mostly in TV thrillers ........ but I always look at the bananas very carefully before I take them off the shelf, pianists have to watch their fingers.

The same precautionary measures apply when ventilating with regard to squirrels, who like to do gymnastics on the balconies here and would be curious enough to walk in through the open balcony door and nibble on my children's colorful toys. I once found the neighbour's black cat under the bed in the bedroom and escorted it to the front door with a slice of sausage. I know a little about cats, but how do you get a squirrel out of your apartment without it panicking and biting my finger off?

Mice can also run up house facades without problems if they are not too smooth. We actually had mice in the apartment when we lived on the sixth floor. they walked in the balcony door, ate my favorite crackers, and I found their tiny footprints on the lid of my CD player. Shame I missed this party. Unfortunately, we had to set up traps, otherwise we would have had to live for years in a shared apartment with these partying animals.

But now it comes: the other day I found something horrific on my parents' balcony, upstairs. I said to my father: There is half a hedgehog on the balcony. No, replied my father, it must be something from a tree. How is half a hedgehog supposed to get onto the balcony? Well, what can I say, after three adult people with glasses had examined the find, it was clear: this is half a hedgehog. Oh my God! I feverishly wondered how it could have got there. Hedgehogs do not run up facades, at least, please excuse me if they were split in half. Unfortunately, you have to say that my parents have strange neighbors. I wondered which of them I would trust to chop a hedgehog in half and then throw it with work gloves over the bridle onto my parents' balcony. And why? should they suddenly have problems with the mafia? Oh, I got hot and cold, goosebumps, how terrible! My husband, who is usually, almost always, very clever said: A bird of prey must have lost it in flight. Of course! I was almost a little ashamed for the romantic horror stories that immediately came to my mind. But do you find half a hedgehog on the balcony ... it must have been the shock. Please take good care of yourself. I know there are far worse and more dangerous things than this unfortunate hedgehog!

