
Showing posts from August, 2021

Bertini: Allegretto semplice, Op.100, 15ième Étude (piano)



Dear friends of piano music, my mathematical talent is average at best. Hence, I am amazed how my great-grandfather was able to use the diameter of the logs to calculate the amount of wood that had grown in his forest. Mental arithmetic with the circle number "Pi" - that is a little scary for me, I have to admit. However, compared to this natural form of intelligence, the so-called "artificial" intelligence is much more sinister to me. Even if, strictly speaking, it is only a matter of imitating intelligent behavior and - who is this surprising? - So far no successes have been achieved in the field of emotional and social intelligence. On the other hand, things look better with sensorimotor intelligence, and in the area of ​​cognitive intelligence the machine is of course vastly superior to humans in many sub-aspects. I really appreciate that. Of course, I am able to cook rice pudding myself, but I have often managed to boil all of the milk out of the pot, because i

Burgmuller: L'harmonie des anges


Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, In Church, Op 39, 24


Mozart: Rondo (Piano) #shorts


Bertini: 25 Etudes faciles et progressives, Op.100, 16ième Étude (piano)


R. Schumann: Einsame Blumen - Lonely Flowers (Waldszenen op. 82)



Dear friends of piano music, There is a first time for everything, and today I will quote Joe Cocker for the very first time: "Hot town, summer in the city (.....) Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the City. All around people looking half-dead, walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a matchhead ...... "If possible, you shouldn't spend the summer in the city, either in the country or on the beach ...... this year we stayed in beautiful Heidelberg, mainly because of the pandemic. Sure, country life has its advantages, above all you have a lot of space and can keep rabbits, while the people here on their tiny balconies seem to me like rabbits in very tight cages.   A bove all, the heat in the country does not build up like in the cities, where the air-conditioning systems with their exhaust air make the atmosphere outside the cooled apartments even more unbearable. In the unusually hot summers of recent years it was often so warm in the apartment at night that it was hardl

Siebzehn Ländler für das Pianoforte componiert von Franz Schubert Nr. 10


Aleksandr Grechaninov: Nuages du soir — Evening Clouds — Abendwolken (A ...


Friedrich Burgmüller: Arabeske



Dear friends of piano music, It may sound amazing, but my son would like to spend his next vacation in Weimar. Not that I have anything against it - on the contrary, I love Weimar, it is the city of Goethe, Schiller and Liszt, and so far I have never really had time to visit the places where they worked. But why does a seven year old boy want to spend his vacation there? Well, he is very interested in Goethe's house, has studied it on the Internet down to the smallest detail and now wants to see the original, live, in color and analog. I find it fundamentally fascinating when children develop an interest in something that seems rather absurd. For example, a boy close to me had a bird that he taught to speak with great persistence. When my sister was five years old, she really wanted a violin, and after another five years she had my parents ready to actually get one. There are children who spend their afternoons in dumpsters looking for returnable bottles. And mind you, not because

Ludwig van Beethoven: Bagatelle Opus 33 No 6


Burgmüller: Ave Maria, Op. 100 No. 19 | Kerstin Sieben-Kaiser, pianist


Siebzehn Ländler für das Pianoforte componiert von Franz Schubert Nr. 9 ...



Dear friends of piano music, self-knowledge grows over the years - one of the few advantages of getting older. I have known for a long time that I am not particularly willing to take risks, and recently I learned the correct terminology for it - I am risk-averse, the opposite of risk-savvy. This is expressed, for example, in the fact that I am always very astonished when, I am asked by the doctor whether I intend to go on a backpack tour through the Sahara during my vacation. Do I look like that? I deeply admire people who endure such inhuman hardships out of a thirst for adventure. There was a lady in the 19th century, whose name I have just forgotten, who wrote a kind of "anti-travel guide" - in it she describes the "most hideous" countries in the world and gives numerous reasons for which one would rather not go there should travel. It's not that bad for me, but adventure for me means more with the night train through Italy (I love that) than with the backp

Frédéric Chopin: Valse (Op. 69 No. 1), "L' Adieu"


Siebzehn Ländler für das Pianoforte componiert von Franz Schubert Nr. 8 ...


F. Burgmüller: Tendre fleur



Dear friends of piano music, I hope he hasn't done it after all. He was 17 years old and, like for all of my students, I felt responsible. It is not uncommon for young people to decide to study law with the well-meaning intention that the world will be a little fairer when they become a lawyer. A pronounced sense of justice, it is then stated, leads to the desire to deal with the legal sciences. In general I don't mind, but this particular young man was extraordinarily imaginative, he thought creatively and wildly, he told the most incredible stories (mostly in my classes ...), and his second characteristic, equally strong, was that of an unbelievable laziness. It will not b of any usel, I thought to myself, and told him how Kafka had struggled with jurisprudence - it was, he said, like eating wood wool spiritually. That convinced the boy at the time, because his father was a professor of German literature and such literary comparisons were well known to him. Robert Schumann