vacuum cleaner

Dear friends of piano music,

“Mom, I like your sweet little songs,” my son said recently, when I tried again to sing something to the children and thus introduce them to classical music. He's a good son, he doesn't want to disappoint his mom. My daughter is less squeamish about that, she starts screaming or just covers my mouth. I do believe that my son is receptive to classical music, because whenever he hears a piece that seems too sad to him, he does not rest until the source of his acoustic discomfort has been removed. So he understands the emotional content of the music, but his tender disposition cannot (yet) bear it. However, his true love is rock music. It has to be loud - the vacuum cleaner was his absolute idol even as a baby, because it made an incredibly loud noise, which he imitated with great perseverance and tireless enthusiasm. Vacuum cleaner music !!! Other loud kitchen utensils, the drill came close to his sound ideal, and even into kindergarten he threw all saucepans on the stone floor with great pleasure, which was an almost unbearable noise in our kitchen with the high ceiling of the old building.

„Tolerare“ means to endure, as a former fellow student, also a Latin teacher, used to say. My parents were also tolerant at the time when I discovered classical music for myself and thus the Chopin Preludes played on the CD player at mealtimes - today's piece reminds me of that - or the sonatas for piano and violin by Brahms , Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto. My parents were musically socialized differently, they listened to the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Boney M etc, but they were very open-minded and patient. My grandparents liked folk music and hits. I can still remember how we once took them to the “Magic Flute” in the Dortmund Opera House. They were full of fearful respect for the "sacred halls" of high culture and pleasantly surprised by the liveliness of the libretto and the catchiness of the music. It is a great privilege to be able to deal with classical music as a child, and interestingly, a lot of children do not appreciate this privilege …… .but thanks to the listening habits of my family, I was never in danger of becoming as snobby as many Classic lovers. That would also be a big problem as a music teacher at a general school. Really scary to me are only people who don't listen to or like music at all.

And so I got this cajon in order to make rock music myself, the music that my son likes so much. If I practice hard, he might go to the opera at 14 to protest - who knows ...

Best regards from Heidelberg


Chopin: Prelude Op.28 No.13 in F-sharp Major, Lento (Sieben-Kaiser)
