
Edvard Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Book I, Op.12 - 1. Arietta



Dear friends of piano music, sometimes even I have to clean up. While I'm not particularly fond of doing this, my kids love messing around. A tidy room immediately puts them in the busiest hustle and bustle, as it opens up completely new opportunities for anarchist chaos. What they don't like, however, is to part with old things. Giving away baby toys is almost impossible, they are clinging to their belongings and they even want to go back to the time when they had nothing to do but play, crawl around the apartment or be driven around in the buggy. So children are already nostalgic. When my grandparents got so old that they had to spend more of their lives on the sofa, they lived almost entirely in the past. This is perfectly normal and understandable when friends and acquaintances have already passed away and you can no longer pursue your hobbies. With my grandparents, however, there was also the fact that they had fled the GDR, the communist-ruled East of Germany, when they

Life is serious, art is serene

  Dear friends of piano music, “Life is serious, art is serene” (Schiller, Wallenstein's camp, prologue) As is well known, the so-called “seriousness of life” begins with school enrollment - a topic that concerns me a lot right now, since my son started school yesterday. This “seriousness” seems to be missing in the years before starting school, a (hopefully!) carefree and free time without any obligation comes to an end, a paradisiacal state of imagination, curiosity, and purposeless play. It is always associated with a little sadness and anxiety when a phase of life comes to an end and a new one begins. I would have wished he had a better start than this so-called “normal operation under pandemic conditions”. In my own life there have been a few episodes or sections that may be irrevocably over. For 13 years I worked (part-time) as a church musician, i.e. led a church choir and played the organ on Sundays and feast days. I must admit that it has not always been easy for me

Johannes BRAHMS Valse in G sharp minor Op. 39 n° 3


(Just kidding) Charles-Louis Hanon: Exercise No. 8 with 360 video of an ...


Burgmüller: Pastorale, Op. 100 No. 3 (From 25 Etudes) 360 degree video


Sisyphean task

Dear friends of piano music, Last week on a long drive in the car I heard an interview with the bestselling author Jan Weiler, whose book “Maria, ihm schmeckt’s nicht” (he doesn’t like it) I read several times with enthusiasm. His description of the typical “Krefeld terraced house” exactly matched the house of relatives that I used to visit regularly as a child. A relatively minor aspect of this book, but I laughed tears - so this is what our common cultural roots look like - the Krefeld terraced house … The radio interview touched me very much for two reasons. Jan Weiler had Corona in March and he still can't smell anything. There are worse disturbances, but the idea of ​​never again being able to perceive the odour of autumn leaves, of Christmas cookies and pine needles, of spring flowers, I find very sad, and I very much hope for him that it is not permanent damage. He said, among other very clever and personable things, that as long as it lasts, he “humbly accepts” his su