
Showing posts from February, 2022

Aram Khachaturian: Іван і Наташа / Ivan & Natasha / Иван и Наташа / Adve...


Aram Khachaturian: Іван і Наташа / Ivan & Natasha / Иван и Наташа / Adve...


Raphael Kirschmann: 10 Tänze für einen musikalischen Kreis, No 4 #shorts



Dear friends of piano music,  I have discovered a treasure within myself that I had not detected before, an unexpectedly rich heritage that has taken me completely by surprise. I'm a romantic person, so I've always been very happy to have Polish roots, most likely, because that connects me to Chopin, whom I love so much. And now I have actually discovered him in my pedigree, although not in that of my physical relatives, but in my artistic - pianistic ancestral line. My most important piano teacher studied in Paris with Alfred Cortot, Cortot had studied with Emile Decombes, and this Monsieur Decombes happend to be a student of Chopin!. How much I actually owe to this teacher, how many unusual and fruitful suggestions I received, I realize only now, after all these years, when the seeds are finally beginning to sprout. At that time he almost despaired of me, I was a terrible student, I admire him for the patience he had with me. But that's not all. Two other important teache

Achykam Firstenberg: Suite 8, Gigue


Achykam Firstenberg: Suite 8, Passacaglia


Achykam Firstenberg: Suite 8, Polonaise


Achykam Firstenberg: Suite 8, Menuet & Trio


dark secret

Dear friends of piano music, today I will tell you one of my darkest secrets: I ate my playmates as a child. However, not on purpose. and it happened like this: my grandparents were trained farmers and when they finally arrived in their new home they continued their old lives at least a little bit by growing lots of fruit and vegetables in the garden and keeping chickens and rabbits. My sister and I played with the rabbits, we named them and took care of them. We even personally checked the quality of their food - it was ok, actually didn't taste that bad. However, we only tried the dry food, not the greens that they got from the garden, here we relied on Mother Nature, so to speak. My grandma usually cooked for everyone when I was small, and of course there was plenty of meat, it must have been the kitchen of the years of the economic boom, when you built up a little reserve for any further bad times. And I really had a blessed appetite as a kid. When it came to a certain type o

Cornelius Gurlitt Opus 82 #shorts


Aleksandr Grechaninov: The Little Beggar (Маленький попрошайка) #shorts


Raphael Kirschmann: 10 Tänze für einen musikalischen Kreis, No 3


Aleksandr Grechaninov: A Morning Stroll (Утренняя прогулка)


I Just Have to Save the World

  Dear friends of piano music, you may also know this: Whenever I am at a loss for words, when I am speechless, so to speak, I resort to quotations. And very often it's pop songs for me, because I grew up with this kind of music and I like it. The title of the song "I Just Have to Save the World" by Tim Benzko has been floating around in my head lately, a title that has always made me feel a certain kind of unease. I think most of us would love to do that, save the world, but the combination with the words "only" and "quickly" again creates the kind of speechlessness in me, of helplessness, against which the pop song quote actually was supposed to help. That's probably why it fits so well. Because where should you start? And who is helping? There isn't even a consensus that the world really needs to be saved, and that it needs to be saved as soon as possible, preferably yesterday, as the casual saying goes. There are also people in my persona

Cyril Plante: Valse pour piano, Opus 218
